Tek Seviye Cloward Füzyon Yapılan Alt Servikal Travmalı Olgularda Otogreft Ve Alogreft Uygulamasının Karşılaştırılması

The Comparison of Autograft and Allograft Interbody Fusion in the PLatients Operated by Using Cloward Fusion Technique for Cervical Trauma The neuroradiological data of 52 operated cases (18 female, 34 male) by using otograft and allograft Cloward fusion technique for traumatic cervical fracture was retrospectively investigated in the determination of postoperative clinical and neuroradiological success. In 28 (54%) cases, otograft harvested from iliac bone was used for graft material and remaining 24 (46%) cases were operated with allograft. The patients had been followed up for 6 months with periodical neurological examination and direct cervical X-ray. Normal cervical lordosis was found in 78% of the patient with autograft but 55% of patients with allograft. Reoperation rate for severe angulation was found in 4% of the patient with autograft and in 8% of patient with allograft. In conclusion; the postoperative neuroradiological results of autograft fusion in the patient with cervical trauma are seems to be more successful from those of patient operated by using allograft interbody fusion. The differences between these two group were statistically significant (p<0.05). Autolog bone graft harvested from iliac bone is cost-effective and safe material, and can be use for the patients with cervical trauma. Klinigimizde Ocak 1997- Aralik 2001 tarihleri arasinda servikal travma nedeniyle otogreft ve allogreft (Tutoplast) kullanilarak tek seviye Cloward fuzyon yapilan 52 (18 kadin, 34 erkek) olgu retrospektif olarak yeniden incelendi. 28 (%54) olguda iliak kanattan elde edilen otogreft, kalan 24 (%46) olguda ise insan patella orjinli allogreft kullanildi. Olgular ortalama 6 ay takip edilerek sonuclar direkt X-ray ve norolojik muayene ile degerlendirildi. Otolog kemik greft kullanilan olgularin %78'inde normal lordoz korunurken, bu oran allogreft kullanilan olgularda %55 olarak bulundu. Ileri angulasyon nedeniyle tekrar ameliyat edilen olgu sayisi otogreft kullanilan olgularda %4, allogreft kullanilan olgularda ise %8 olarak bulundu. 52 olguyu kapsayan serimizin sonuclarinin degerlendirilmesinde postoperatif servikal lordo-zun korunmasi yonunden, otogreft kullanilan olgularin radyolojik sonuclan allogreft kullanilan olgularmkinden daha basarili olarak bulundu. Iki grup arasindaki fark istatistiksel olarak anlamlidir (p<0.05). Servikal travma nedeniyle tek seviye Cloward fuzyon yapilmasi dusunulen olgularda otolog kemik grefti, ucuz, kolay elde edilebilir ve postoperatif sonuclari allogrefte gore daha iyi olan bir cerrahi tedavi yontemidir.
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