Diversity and Population Dynamics of Odonata (insecta: Odonata) in Rice Growing Area of Central Gujarat

Odonates diversity was studied in Paddy field of central Gujarat during 2012 to 2015. Total 39 species belonging to 25 genera, under six families and two suborders were recorded. Total 17 species of Zygoptera (damselflies) and 22 species of Anisoptera (dragonflies) were recorded. Community structure and population dynamics of adult odonates were studied at Lingda village during July to December, 2012 through monitoring their population by point count method on three microhabitats (paddy field, village pond and fish farm). Total seventeen species were encounterd in the point count. Diversity index (H’) was highest (2.13) for paddy fields followed by fish farm (2.07) and village pond (1.99). Evenness value of the odonates also ranged between 0.7 and 0.8. Total four species ( Viz. Ditch Jewel (25.0%), Green Marsh Hawk (17%), Ruddy Marsh Skimmer and Coromandal Marsh Dart (16% each) were dominant species in all three microhabitats. Both the suborders Anisoptera (dragonfly) and Zygoptera (damselfly) showed similar trend of population fluctuation during the study. Relative abundance was higher and remained constant during 4 th week of September to 2 nd week of October.
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