The dual frequency RV-coupling coefficient: a novel measure for quantifying cross-frequency information transactions in the brain

Identifying dynamic transactions between brain regions has become increasingly important. Measurements within and across brain structures, demonstrating the occurrence of bursts of beta/gamma oscillations only during one specific phase of each theta/alpha cycle, have motivated the need to advance beyond linear and stationary time series models. Here we offer a novel measure, namely, the "dual frequency RV-coupling coefficient", for assessing different types of frequency-frequency interactions that subserve information flow in the brain. This is a measure of coherence between two complex-valued vectors, consisting of the set of Fourier coefficients for two different frequency bands, within or across two brain regions. RV-coupling is expressed in terms of instantaneous and lagged components. Furthermore, by using normalized Fourier coefficients (unit modulus), phase-type couplings can also be measured. The dual frequency RV-coupling coefficient is based on previous work: the second order bispectrum, i.e. the dual-frequency coherence (Thomson 1982; Haykin & Thomson 1998); the RV-coefficient (Escoufier 1973); Gorrostieta et al (2012); and Pascual-Marqui et al (2011). This paper presents the new measure, and outlines relevant statistical tests. The novel aspects of the "dual frequency RV-coupling coefficient" are: (1) it can be applied to two multivariate time series; (2) the method is not limited to single discrete frequencies, and in addition, the frequency bands are treated by means of appropriate multivariate statistical methodology; (3) the method makes use of a novel generalization of the RV-coefficient for complex-valued multivariate data; (4) real and imaginary covariance contributions to the RV-coherence are obtained, allowing the definition of a "lagged-coupling" measure that is minimally affected by the low spatial resolution of estimated cortical electric neuronal activity.
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