Proceduralne aspekty odpowiedzialności dyscyplinarnej sędziów w II Rzeczypospolitej. Przebieg procesu w świetle akt osobowych i dyscyplinarnych sądów z terenów dawnego zaboru pruskiego

Disciplinary responsibility is a crucial problem for every single modern legal system in constitutional states. On the one hand, it needs to be efficient, to eliminate judges’ wrongful conduct and build trust towards the justice system. On the other hand, it has to be respectful to judges’ independence and resilient to attempts of using it to influence court rulings. Authors of the presented article try to show the course of procedure in disciplinary processes against judges in the 2nd Republic of Poland. The goal is to confront legal provisions with their practical application, reconstructed based on remaining archival files of judges, both personal and disciplinary. Authors also try to show the consequences of secrecy of a whole procedure, which theoretically opened possibilities of abuses and allowed court authorities to deal with judges’ misconducts unofficially (without using proper disciplinary procedures against them).
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