El enigma Brasil en las tramas del golpe de 2016: impasses y dilemas de la democracia en tiempos contemporáneos

The article intends to discuss the plots and derivations of 2016 coup d’Etat in Brazil. It is an effort of a critical synthesis of this very serious moment of Brazilian life that threatens democracy in the context of a crisis at the confluence of economy and politics. We present contributions in order to understand the sinuous ways of this singular moment of the class struggle in Brazil, at a strong offensive of capital forces and amid the protests and attempts of resistance movements in labor struggle. We approach the architecture of the coup of 2016, now under way, discussing redefinitions of the Brazilian State amid the radicalization of neoliberal orthodoxy. We emphasize the attacks on democracy that coexist with a State of Exception. It is an analysis of current Brazil, seeking to demarcate dilemmas and impasses in the construction of a counter-hegemony. Our intention is to contribute to the historical and urgent task of unraveling the enigma Brazil, in its contemporary version, having as a horizon the reconstruction of democracy.
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