Human Rights Appeals in International Politics: Amnesty International's Urgent Action Texts

Background A simplified account of the process: • Library scans paper documents • Poli/cal science coders use nVivo so`ware to import pdf images and code qualita/ve terms and document aaributes, producing research data and digi/za/on metadata simultaneously. • Library incorporates search terms from terms created by the poli/cal science coders, supplemented by some shared descrip/ve data from AI. • Library creates e-­‐archive. • Clark will use data for research on law and jus/ce as reflected in human rights appeals (see next column). • Public e-­‐archive will be posted through Purdue libraries. Materials and Methods The PoliDcal Science Coding Team at Purdue Next Steps • Clark is currently using the documents as the basis for an empirical and theore/cal study of appeals to jus/ce in interna/onal poli/cs. • With addi/onal funding, we hope to use the metadata to create a numeric data set for incorpora/on into sta/s/cal analysis of nongovernmental human rights ac/vism.
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