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Smart Pascal

Smart Pascal is a dialect of the Object Pascal computer language that is derived from Delphi Web Script, but is enhanced and adapted for Smart Mobile Studio, a commercial development suite that generates JavaScript rather than machine code. Smart Pascal is a dialect of the Object Pascal computer language that is derived from Delphi Web Script, but is enhanced and adapted for Smart Mobile Studio, a commercial development suite that generates JavaScript rather than machine code. Smart Pascal is a RAD (rapid application development) language, and ships with a substantial library of classes and pre-made components. The Smart Pascal compiler is an advanced source-to-source compiler generating rich, HTML5 compliant, server independent applications. Compiled Smart applications can be executed in any modern HTML5 capable browser. A compiled program is typically embedded within a DIV container element or alternatively set to occupy the entire display. The run-time library was specifically built for increased productivity and time-to-market with regards to mobile application development. Smart Pascal reduces development time for JavaScript radically linguistically, by means of Object Pascal and true object oriented programming, and with regards to how the run-time library's class and component system is designed. The RTL interacts with the document object model and JavaScript environment in the same way a native language would interact with an operative system; abstracting common denominators and automating complex tasks. Smart Pascal is also popular for micro-controller programming Espruino and nodeJS client/server modules. Smart Mobile Studio was designed by Norwegian Jon Lennart Aasenden and Frenchman Eric Grange. The technology is published by software company Optimale Systemer. The language uses a popular open-source scripting engine called Delphi Web Script (DWScript) for syntax verification and parsing. On 18 May 2012 Optimale Systemer disclosed that it had acquired the rights to a custom code generator written by Eric Grange, the maintainer of delphi web script, from his company Creative IT, France (see article: From OP4JS to Smart Mobile Studio). Prior to working with Eric Grange, Jon Lennart Aasenden had published several proposals where he outlined his thoughts for a new object pascal compiler; a compiler that would target Javascript and the browser as opposed to x86 or ARM processors. He also presented a video demonstrating an early prototype of the compiler (available on YouTube). He was initially met with heavy criticism from the Delphi and Free Pascal community, but found support in Eric Grange who verified and demonstrated that JavaScript had come of age - and could now be used to build large-scale, serious business applications. Jon Lennart wrote the Smart Pascal run-time library and integrated development environment while Eric Grange perfected the code generator and language improvements. The first prototype (alpha build) was released on 20 December 2011 and the duo quickly began to attract other programmers curious about the new platform. The project also received a full two-page coverage in Blaise Pascal Magazine (issue 31), which helped promote the dialect considerably. As a result, the run-time library and tools grew to include support for advanced technologies like Remobjects SDK and Embarcadero Datasnap - donated to the framework by software developer Andre Mussche. From version 2.0 Smart Pascal supported nodeJS, Web Workers and the Espruino micro-controller platform courtesy of German mathematician and developer Christian Budde.

[ "Pascal (unit)", "JavaScript", "Pascal (programming language)" ]
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