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Nearest-neighbor chain algorithm

In the theory of cluster analysis, the nearest-neighbor chain algorithm is an algorithm that can speed up several methods for agglomerative hierarchical clustering. These are methods that take a collection of points as input, and create a hierarchy of clusters of points by repeatedly merging pairs of smaller clusters to form larger clusters. The clustering methods that the nearest-neighbor chain algorithm can be used for include Ward's method, complete-linkage clustering, and single-linkage clustering; these all work by repeatedly merging the closest two clusters but use different definitions of the distance between clusters. The cluster distances for which the nearest-neighbor chain algorithm works are called reducible and are characterized by a simple inequality among certain cluster distances. In the theory of cluster analysis, the nearest-neighbor chain algorithm is an algorithm that can speed up several methods for agglomerative hierarchical clustering. These are methods that take a collection of points as input, and create a hierarchy of clusters of points by repeatedly merging pairs of smaller clusters to form larger clusters. The clustering methods that the nearest-neighbor chain algorithm can be used for include Ward's method, complete-linkage clustering, and single-linkage clustering; these all work by repeatedly merging the closest two clusters but use different definitions of the distance between clusters. The cluster distances for which the nearest-neighbor chain algorithm works are called reducible and are characterized by a simple inequality among certain cluster distances. The main idea of the algorithm is to find pairs of clusters to merge by following paths in the nearest neighbor graph of the clusters. Every such path will eventually terminate at a pair of clusters that are nearest neighbors of each other, and the algorithm chooses that pair of clusters as the pair to merge. In order to save work by re-using as much as possible of each path, the algorithm uses a stack data structure to keep track of each path that it follows. By following paths in this way, the nearest-neighbor chain algorithm merges its clusters in a different order than methods that always find and merge the closest pair of clusters. However, despite that difference, it always generates the same hierarchy of clusters. The nearest-neighbor chain algorithm constructs a clustering in time proportional to the square of the number of points to be clustered. This is also proportional to the size of its input, when the input is provided in the form of an explicit distance matrix. The algorithm uses an amount of memory proportional to the number of points, when it is used for clustering methods such as Ward's method that allow constant-time calculation of the distance between clusters. However, for some other clustering methods it uses a larger amount of memory in an auxiliary data structure with which it keeps track of the distances between pairs of clusters. Many problems in data analysis concern clustering, grouping data items into clusters of closely related items. Hierarchical clustering is a version of cluster analysis in which the clusters form a hierarchy or tree-like structure rather than a strict partition of the data items. In some cases, this type of clustering may be performed as a way of performing cluster analysis at multiple different scales simultaneously. In others, the data to be analyzed naturally has an unknown tree structure and the goal is to recover that structure by performing the analysis. Both of these kinds of analysis can be seen, for instance, in the application of hierarchical clustering to biological taxonomy. In this application, different living things are grouped into clusters at different scales or levels of similarity (species, genus, family, etc). This analysis simultaneously gives a multi-scale grouping of the organisms of the present age, and aims to accurately reconstruct the branching process or evolutionary tree that in past ages produced these organisms. The input to a clustering problem consists of a set of points. A cluster is any proper subset of the points, and a hierarchical clustering is a maximal family of clusters with the property that any two clusters in the family are either nested or disjoint.Alternatively, a hierarchical clustering may be represented as a binary tree with the points at its leaves; the clusters of the clustering are the sets of points in subtrees descending from each node of the tree. In agglomerative clustering methods, the input also includes a distance function defined on the points, or a numerical measure of their dissimilarity.The distance or dissimilarity should be symmetric: the distance between two points does not depend on which of them is considered first.However, unlike the distances in a metric space, it is not required to satisfy the triangle inequality.Next, the dissimilarity function is extended from pairs of points to pairs of clusters. Different clustering methods perform this extension in different ways. For instance, in the single-linkage clustering method, the distance between two clusters is defined to be the minimum distance between any two points from each cluster. Given this distance between clusters, a hierarchical clustering may be defined by a greedy algorithm that initially places each point in its own single-point cluster and then repeatedly forms a new cluster by merging the closest pair of clusters. The bottleneck of this greedy algorithm is the subproblem of finding which two clusters to merge in each step.Known methods for repeatedly finding the closest pair of clusters in a dynamic set of clusters either require superlinear space to maintain a data structure that can find closest pairs quickly, or they take greater than linear time to find each closest pair. The nearest-neighbor chain algorithm uses a smaller amount of time and space than the greedy algorithm by merging pairs of clusters in a different order. In this way, it avoids the problem of repeatedly finding closest pairs. Nevertheless, for many types of clustering problem, it can be guaranteed to come up with the same hierarchical clustering as the greedy algorithm despite the different merge order. Intuitively, the nearest neighbor chain algorithm repeatedly follows a chain of clusters A → B → C → ... where each cluster is the nearest neighbor of the previous one, until reaching a pair of clusters that are mutual nearest neighbors. In more detail, the algorithm performs the following steps:

[ "Correlation clustering", "Canopy clustering algorithm", "Nearest neighbor search", "CURE data clustering algorithm", "Cover tree", "Fixed-radius near neighbors", "Ball tree", "Nearest neighbor graph" ]
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