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Inga (common name shimbillo) is a genus of small tropical, tough-leaved, nitrogen-fixing trees and shrubs, subfamily Mimosoideae. Inga's leaves are pinnate, and flowers are generally white. Many of the hundreds of species are used ornamentally. Several related plants have been placed into this genus at one time, for example Yopo (Cohoba, Mopo, Nopo or Parica – Anadenanthera peregrina – as Inga niopo). The seeds are covered with sweet white powder. The pulp covering the seeds is lightly fibrous and sweet, and rich in minerals; it is edible in the raw state. The tree's name originates from the Tupi word in-gá meaning 'soaked', due to the fruit powder consistency. The tree usually blossoms twice a year.

[ "Agronomy", "Ecology", "Performance art", "Humanities", "Botany", "Inga punctata", "Inga densiflora", "Inga alba", "Inga oerstediana", "Inga striata" ]
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