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Link encryption

Link encryption is an approach to communications security that encrypts and decrypts all traffic at each network routing point (e.g. network switch, or node through which it passes) until arrival at its final destination. This repeated decryption and encryption is necessary to allow the routing information contained in each transmission to be read and employed further to direct the transmission toward its destination, before which it is re-encrypted. This contrasts with end-to-end encryption where internal information, but not the header/routing information, are encrypted by the sender at the point of origin and only decrypted by the intended receiver. Link encryption is an approach to communications security that encrypts and decrypts all traffic at each network routing point (e.g. network switch, or node through which it passes) until arrival at its final destination. This repeated decryption and encryption is necessary to allow the routing information contained in each transmission to be read and employed further to direct the transmission toward its destination, before which it is re-encrypted. This contrasts with end-to-end encryption where internal information, but not the header/routing information, are encrypted by the sender at the point of origin and only decrypted by the intended receiver.

[ "Probabilistic encryption", "On-the-fly encryption", "40-bit encryption", "Multiple encryption", "hidden vector encryption", "Key Wrap", "Encryption software", "Email encryption", "Bus encryption" ]
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