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Roscoea purpurea

Roscoea purpurea is a perennial herbaceous plant occurring in the Himalayas, particularly Nepal. Most members of the ginger family (Zingiberaceae), to which it belongs, are tropical, but species of Roscoea grow in much colder mountainous regions. It is sometimes grown as an ornamental plant in gardens. Roscoea purpurea is a perennial herbaceous plant. Like all members of the genus Roscoea, it dies back each year to a short vertical rhizome, to which are attached the tuberous roots. When growth begins again, 'pseudostems' are produced: structures which resemble stems but are actually formed from the tightly wrapped bases (sheaths) of its leaves. R. purpurea can grow to over 50 cm tall, with wide leaves and a stout pseudostem, although the height varies. The leaf sheaths are pale green or may have a dark reddish-purple tinge. The stem (peduncle) of the flower spike is hidden by the leaf sheaths. The flowers are the largest of any species in the genus. They are usually purple to mauve in colour, although white- and red-flowered forms have been found in Nepal. Each flower has the typical structure for Roscoea (see the diagrams in that article). There is a tube-shaped outer calyx. Next the three petals (the corolla) form a tube slightly longer than the calyx, terminating in three lobes, an upright hooded central lobe and two slightly smaller side lobes. Inside the petals are structures formed from four sterile stamens (staminodes): two lateral staminodes form what appear to be small upright petals; two central staminodes are partially fused at the base to form a lip or labellum. Roscoea purpurea was named by the English botanist James Edward Smith in 1806; it is the type species of the genus. The generic name honours Smith's friend William Roscoe, the founder of the Liverpool Botanic Garden (remnants of which can now be found at Croxteth Hall). The specific epithet refers to the colour of the flowers. The Zingiberaceae family is mainly tropical in distribution. The unusual mountainous distribution of Roscoea may have evolved relatively recently and be a response to the uplift taking place in the region in the last 50 million years or so due to the collision of the Indian and Asian tectonic plates. Species of Roscoea divide into two clear groups, a Himalayan clade and a 'Chinese' clade (which includes some species from outside China). The two clades correspond to a geographical separation, their main distributions being divided by the Brahmaputra River as it flows south at the end of the Himalayan mountain chain. It has been suggested that the genus may have originated in this area and then spread westwards along the Himalayas and eastwards into the mountains of China and its southern neighbours. R. purpurea falls into the Himalayan clade as would be expected from its distribution. Roscoea purpurea is native to the Himalayas, and in particular Nepal. It occurs in a range of habitats, both damp and dry. It has been found in alpine grassland, rock faces, terraced walls, clearings and woodland edges; sometimes exposed to the full sun and sometimes in the shade of other herbaceous plants, shrubs and trees.

[ "Botany", "Horticulture", "Zingiberaceae" ]
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