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Clique problem

In computer science, the clique problem is the computational problem of finding cliques (subsets of vertices, all adjacent to each other, also called complete subgraphs) in a graph. It has several different formulations depending on which cliques, and what information about the cliques, should be found. Common formulations of the clique problem include finding a maximum clique (a clique with the largest possible number of vertices), finding a maximum weight clique in a weighted graph, listing all maximal cliques (cliques that cannot be enlarged), and solving the decision problem of testing whether a graph contains a clique larger than a given size. The clique problem arises in the following real-world setting. Consider a social network, where the graph's vertices represent people, and the graph's edges represent mutual acquaintance. Then a clique represents a subset of people who all know each other, and algorithms for finding cliques can be used to discover these groups of mutual friends. Along with its applications in social networks, the clique problem also has many applications in bioinformatics, computational chemistry and motion segmentation. Most versions of the clique problem are hard. The clique decision problem is NP-complete (one of Karp's 21 NP-complete problems). The problem of finding the maximum clique is both fixed-parameter intractable and hard to approximate. And, listing all maximal cliques may require exponential time as there exist graphs with exponentially many maximal cliques. Therefore, much of the theory about the clique problem is devoted to identifying special types of graph that admit more efficient algorithms, or to establishing the computational difficulty of the general problem in various models of computation. To find a maximum clique, one can systematically inspect all subsets, but this sort of brute-force search is too time-consuming to be practical for networks comprising more than a few dozen vertices.Although no polynomial time algorithm is known for this problem, more efficient algorithms than the brute-force search are known. For instance, the Bron–Kerbosch algorithm can be used to list all maximal cliques in worst-case optimal time, and it is also possible to list them in polynomial time per clique. The study of complete subgraphs in mathematics predates the 'clique' terminology. For instance, complete subgraphs make an early appearance in the mathematical literature in the graph-theoretic reformulation of Ramsey theory by Erdős & Szekeres (1935). But the term 'clique' and the problem of algorithmically listing cliques both come from the social sciences, where complete subgraphs are used to model social cliques, groups of people who all know each other. Luce & Perry (1949) used graphs to model social networks, and adapted the social science terminology to graph theory. They were the first to call complete subgraphs 'cliques'. The first algorithm for solving the clique problem is that of Harary & Ross (1957), who were motivated by the sociological application.Social science researchers have also defined various other types of cliques and maximal cliques in social network, 'cohesive subgroups' of people or actors in the network all of whom share one of several different kinds of connectivity relation. Many of these generalized notions of cliques can also be found by constructing an undirected graph whose edges represent related pairs of actors from the social network, and then applying an algorithm for the clique problem to this graph. Since the work of Harary and Ross, many others have devised algorithms for various versions of the clique problem. In the 1970s, researchers began studying these algorithms from the point of view of worst-case analysis. See, for instance, Tarjan & Trojanowski (1977), an early work on the worst-case complexity of the maximum clique problem. Also in the 1970s, beginning with the work of Cook (1971) and Karp (1972), researchers began using the theory of NP-completeness and related intractability results to provide a mathematical explanation for the perceived difficulty of the clique problem. In the 1990s, a breakthrough series of papers beginning with Feige et al. (1991) and reported in The New York Times, showed that (assuming P ≠ NP) it is not even possible to approximate the problem accurately and efficiently. Clique-finding algorithms have been used in chemistry, to find chemicals that match a target structure and to model molecular docking and the binding sites of chemical reactions. They can also be used to find similar structures within different molecules.In these applications, one forms a graph in which each vertex represents a matched pair of atoms, one from each of two molecules. Two vertices are connected by an edge if the matches that they represent are compatible with each other. Being compatible may mean, for instance, that the distances between the atoms within the two molecules are approximately equal, to within some given tolerance. A clique in this graph represents a set of matched pairs of atoms in which all the matches are compatible with each other. A special case of this method is the use of the modular product of graphs to reduce the problem of finding the maximum common induced subgraph of two graphs to the problem of finding a maximum clique in their product. In automatic test pattern generation, finding cliques can help to bound the size of a test set. In bioinformatics, clique-finding algorithms have been used to infer evolutionary trees, predict protein structures, and find closely interacting clusters of proteins. Listing the cliques in a dependency graph is an important step in the analysis of certain random processes. In mathematics, Keller's conjecture on face-to-face tiling of hypercubes was disproved by Lagarias & Shor (1992), who used a clique-finding algorithm on an associated graph to find a counterexample.

[ "Independent set", "Chordal graph", "Clique", "Split graph", "Maximal independent set" ]
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