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Scene description language

A scene description language is any description language used to describe a scene to be rendered by a 3D renderer such as a ray tracer.The scene is written in a text editor (which may include syntax highlighting) as opposed to be modeled in a graphical way. A scene description language is any description language used to describe a scene to be rendered by a 3D renderer such as a ray tracer.The scene is written in a text editor (which may include syntax highlighting) as opposed to be modeled in a graphical way. Some scene description language may include variables, constants, conditional statements, while loops and for loops. 3DMLW and X3D are XML-based scene description languages. The Tao Presentations application uses XL as a dynamic document description language. POV-Ray 3DMLW X3D Tao Presentations

[ "Computer vision", "Multimedia", "Computer graphics (images)", "Artificial intelligence", "Object (computer science)" ]
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