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Character variety

In the mathematics of moduli theory, given an algebraic, reductive, Lie group G {displaystyle G} and a finitely generated group π {displaystyle pi } , the G {displaystyle G} -character variety of π {displaystyle pi } is a space of equivalence classes of group homomorphisms In the mathematics of moduli theory, given an algebraic, reductive, Lie group G {displaystyle G} and a finitely generated group π {displaystyle pi } , the G {displaystyle G} -character variety of π {displaystyle pi } is a space of equivalence classes of group homomorphisms More precisely, G {displaystyle G} acts on R {displaystyle {mathfrak {R}}} by conjugation, and two homomorphisms are defined to be equivalent if and only if their orbit closures intersect. This is the weakest equivalence relation on the set of conjugation orbits that yields a Hausdorff space. Formally, and when the algebraic group is defined over the complex numbers C {displaystyle mathbb {C} } , the G {displaystyle G} -character variety is the spectrum of prime ideals of the ring of invariants (i.e., the GIT quotient) Here more generally one can consider algebraically closed fields of prime characteristic. In this generality, character varieties are only algebraic sets and are not actual varieties. To avoid technical issues, one often considers the associated reduced space by dividing by the radical of 0 (eliminating nilpotents). However, this does not necessarily yield an irreducible space either. Moreover, if we replace the complex group by a real group we may not even get an algebraic set. In particular, a maximal compact subgroup generally gives a semi-algebraic set. On the other hand, whenever π {displaystyle pi } is free we always get an honest variety; it is singular however. For example, if G = S L ( 2 , C ) {displaystyle G=mathrm {SL} (2,mathbb {C} )} and π {displaystyle pi } is free of rank two, then the character variety is C 3 {displaystyle mathbb {C} ^{3}} , since by a theorem of Robert Fricke, Felix Klein, and Henri G. Vogt, its coordinate ring is isomorphic to the complex polynomial ring in 3 variables, C [ x , y , z ] {displaystyle mathbb {C} } . Restricting to G = S U ( 2 ) {displaystyle G=mathrm {SU} (2)} gives a closed real three-dimensional ball (semi-algebraic, but not algebraic). Another example, also studied by Vogt and Fricke–Klein is the case with G = S L ( 2 , C ) {displaystyle G=mathrm {SL} (2,mathbb {C} )} and π {displaystyle pi } is free of rank three. Then the character variety is isomorphic to the hypersurface in C 7 {displaystyle mathbb {C} ^{7}} given by the equation a 2 + b 2 + c 2 + d 2 + x 2 + y 2 + z 2 − ( a b + c d ) x − ( a d + b c ) y − ( a c + b d ) z + a b c d + x y z − 4 = 0. {displaystyle a^{2}+b^{2}+c^{2}+d^{2}+x^{2}+y^{2}+z^{2}-(ab+cd)x-(ad+bc)y-(ac+bd)z+abcd+xyz-4=0.} This construction of the character variety is not necessarily the same as that of Marc Culler and Peter Shalen (generated by evaluations of traces), although when G = S L ( n , C ) {displaystyle G=mathrm {SL} (n,mathbb {C} )} they do agree, since Claudio Procesi has shown that in this case the ring of invariants is in fact generated by only traces. Since trace functions are invariant by all inner automorphisms, the Culler–Shalen construction essentially assumes that we are acting by G = S L ( n , C ) {displaystyle G=mathrm {SL} (n,mathbb {C} )} on R = Hom ⁡ ( π , H ) {displaystyle {mathfrak {R}}=operatorname {Hom} (pi ,H)} even if G ≠ H . {displaystyle G ot =H.} For instance, when π {displaystyle pi } is a free group of rank 2 and G = S O ( 2 ) {displaystyle G=mathrm {SO} (2)} , the conjugation action is trivial and the G {displaystyle G} -character variety is the torus But the trace algebra is a strictly small subalgebra (there are less invariants). This provides an involutive action on the torus that needs to be accounted for to yield the Culler–Shalen character variety. The involution on this torus yields a 2-sphere. The point is that up to S O ( 2 ) {displaystyle mathrm {SO} (2)} -conjugation all points are distinct, but the trace identifies elements with differing anti-diagonal elements (the involution).

[ "Knot (unit)", "Fundamental group", "Combinatorics", "Algebra", "Pure mathematics" ]
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