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Pentosan polysulfate

Pentosan polysulfate (PPS) is a medication used for interstitial cystitis and osteoarthritis. It is a semi-synthetic polysulfated xylan. Pentosan polysulfate (PPS) is a medication used for interstitial cystitis and osteoarthritis. It is a semi-synthetic polysulfated xylan. Pentosan polysulfate may be used either by mouth or in the bladder to treat interstitial cystitis/painful bladder syndrome (IC/PBS). A older review found improvements in pain (36%), urgency (28%), and frequency (54%), but that it does not change the frequency of urination at night. More recent trials, however, found less to no benefit. PPS has been studied in knee osteoarthritis, though evidence to support such use is poor as of 2003. There is some theoretical evidence that it should help. Patients who have taken PPS orally report a variety of side effects, primarily gastrointestinal complaints such as diarrhea, heartburn, and stomach pain. Hair loss, headache, rash, and insomnia have also been reported. Due to Elmiron's anticoagulant effects, some patients report bruising more easily. In some cases, patients are asked to stop taking the medication before any major surgical procedures to reduce the likelihood of bleeding. In IC, PPS is believed to work by providing a protective coating to the damaged bladder wall. PPS is similar in structure to the natural glycosaminoglycan coating of the inner lining of the bladder, and may replace or repair the lining, reducing its permeability. The calcium salt of PPS was one of the first reported disease-modifying osteoarthritis drugs (DMOAD). The IUPAC name for pentosan polysulfate is oxy-3-sulfooxyoxan-4-yl] hydrogen sulfate. There are 40 synonyms listed for pentosan polysulfate on PubChem including BAY-946, HOE-946, pentosan sulfuric polyester, polypentose sulfate, polysulfated xylan, PZ-68, SP-54, xylan SP54 and xylan sulfate.

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