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Caviomorpha is the rodent infraorder or parvorder that unites all New World hystricognaths. It is supported by both fossil and molecular evidence. The Caviomorpha was for a time considered to be a separate order outside the Rodentia, but is now accepted as a genuine part of the rodents. Caviomorphs include the extinct Heptaxodontidae (giant hutias) and extant families of chinchilla rats, hutias, guinea pigs and the capybara, chinchillas and viscachas, tuco-tucos, agoutis, pacas, pacaranas, spiny rats, New World porcupines, coypu and octodonts (Vassallo and Antenucci, 2015). The first known rodent fossils in South America are represented by the three taxa Cachiyacuy contamanensis, C. kummeli, and Canaanimys maquiensis, as well as teeth from Eobranisamys sp. (Dasyproctidae) and Eospina sp., the latter two found also in the Santa Rosa fauna from the late Eocene or early Oligocene. By the late Oligocene, all superfamilies and most families of caviomorphs are present in the fossil record. During this time, South America was isolated from all other continents. Several hypotheses have been proposed as to how hystricognath rodents colonized this island continent. Most require that a small group of these rodents traveled across ocean bodies atop a raft of mangroves or driftwood. The most common hypothesis suggests that the ancestor to all modern caviomorphs rafted across the Atlantic Ocean (then narrower) from Africa (Lavocat, 1969; Huchon and Douzery, 2000). This is supported by molecular results, which suggest that the Phiomorpha (as restricted to Bathyergidae, Petromuridae, and Thryonomyidae) are sister taxa to the Caviomorpha. In fact, until the discovery of the Laotian rock rat, all modern hystricognath families were restricted to South America, Africa, or had a range that included Africa (Hystricidae). The principal alternative hypothesis is that the caviomorph ancestor arose in Asia and migrated to South America through another continent. Most commonly, North America is cited as the most likely continent (Wood, 1985) as connections between North America and Asia were common via Beringia, and North America appears to have been closer to South America than any other continent at this time. The 'Franimorpha' were once proposed as a potential North American rodent group that may represent an ancestor to the Caviomorpha, but most modern researchers consider franimorphs to have been protrogomorphous instead of hystricomorphous. Fossil evidence suggests the Entodacrya may have originated in Asia (Marivaux et al., 2004) and this is cited as potential evidence for an Asian origin for Caviomorpha as well. Likewise, Jenkins et al. (2005) argue that their discovery of a hystricognath rodent family (Laonastidae) exclusive to Asia may be further evidence for an Asian origin of caviomorphs. Alternatively, the caviomorphs may have originated in Asia, but traveled through Africa, Australia and Antarctica, or Africa and Antarctica (noted but not advocated by Huchon and Douzery, 2001). Alternatively they may have originated in Africa and traveled to South America via Antarctica. New World monkeys appear to have colonized South America from Africa at a similar time.

[ "Rodent", "south american", "Neoepiblemidae", "Amblyrhiza inundata", "Cephalomyidae", "Incisor procumbency" ]
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