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Acute megakaryoblastic leukemia

Acute megakaryoblastic leukemia (AMKL) is life-threatening leukemia in which malignant megakaryoblasts proliferate abnormally and injure various tissues. Megakaryoblasts are the most immature precursor cells in a platelet-forming lineage; they mature to promegakaryocytes and, ultimately, megakaryocytes which cells shed membrane-enclosed particles, i.e. platelets, into the circulation. Platelets are critical for the normal clotting of blood. While malignant megakaryoblasts usually are the predominant proliferating and tissue-damaging cells, their similarly malignant descendants, promegakaryocytes and megakaryocytes, are variable contributors to the malignancy. Acute megakaryoblastic leukemia (AMKL) is life-threatening leukemia in which malignant megakaryoblasts proliferate abnormally and injure various tissues. Megakaryoblasts are the most immature precursor cells in a platelet-forming lineage; they mature to promegakaryocytes and, ultimately, megakaryocytes which cells shed membrane-enclosed particles, i.e. platelets, into the circulation. Platelets are critical for the normal clotting of blood. While malignant megakaryoblasts usually are the predominant proliferating and tissue-damaging cells, their similarly malignant descendants, promegakaryocytes and megakaryocytes, are variable contributors to the malignancy. AMKL is commonly regarded as a subtype of acute myeloid leukemia (AML). More formally, it is classified under the AML-M7 category of the French-American-British classification and by the World Health Organization of 2016 in the AML-Not Otherwise Specified subcategory. Acute megakaryoblastic leukemia falls into three distinct groups which differ in underlying causes, ages of presentation, responses to therapy, and prognoses. These groups are: AMKL occurring in young children with Down syndrome, i.e. DS-AMKL; AMKL occurring in children who do not have Down syndrome, i.e. non-DS-AMKL (also termed pediatric acute megakaryoblastic leukemia or pediatric AMKL); and AMKL occurring in non-DS adults, i.e. adult-AMKL. AMKL, while rare, is the most common form of AML in DS-AMKL, occurring ~500-fold more commonly in Down syndrome children than in children without Down syndrome; non-DS-AMKL and adult-AMLK are rare, accounting for <1% of all individuals diagnosed as in the AML-M7 category of leukemia. Individuals with Down syndrome almost always have three instead of the normal two copies of chromosome 21. The extra copies of key chromosome 21 genes underlie their increased susceptibility to AMKL by promoting the development of a certain type of inactivating mutation in the GATA1 gene. The GATA1 gene resides on the X chromosome and codes for two transcription factors, GATA1 and a shorter version, GATA1-S. GATA1 and GATA1-S contribute to regulating the expression of genes that control the maturation of megakaryoblasts to promegakaryocytes, megakaryocytes, and platelets as well as the maturation of erythroblasts to red blood cells. GATA1-S appears less active than GATA1 in controlling some of the genes that promote megakaryoblast maturation but more active than GATA1 in stimulating megakaryoblast proliferation. Various GATA1 mutations that cause this gene to make GATA1-S but unable to make GATA1 result in the excessive proliferation of platelet precursor cells, reductions in the levels of circulating blood platelets, mild reductions in the levels of circulating red blood cells, and the development of transient myeloproliferative disease (TMD). TMD is a disorder involving the excessive proliferation of non-malignant megakaryoblasts and descendent cells due to the cited truncating mutations in the GATA1 gene. TMD is a necessary predecessor to DS-AMKL. Down syndrome fetuses and neonates with one of the cited types of GATA1 truncating mutations are in rare cases asymptomatic (i.e. silent TMD) but more commonly exhibit in utero or during the first months of live accumulations of immature megakaryoblasts in, and sometimes life-threatening injury to, the fetal blood-forming organ, the liver, and other tissues. While fatal in up to 20% of cases, ~80 of infants with TMD fully recover from the diseases within 4 months. However, ~10% of individuals with a history of symptomatic or silent TMD develop DS-AMKL within 4 years. During this interval, these individuals may acquire somatic mutations in those of their megakaryoblasts that bear the original truncating GATA1 mutation. These newly acquired mutations appear to result from the interactions of GATAT1 truncating mutations with excessive copies of chromosome 21 genes. The genes suffering these mutations include TP53, FLT3, ERG, DYRK1A, CHAF1B, HLCS, RUNX1, MIR125B2 (which is the gene for microRNA MiR125B2CTCF, STAG2, RAD21, SMC3, SMC1A, NIPBL, SUZ12, PRC2, JAK1, JAK2, JAK3, MPL, KRAS, NRAS, and SH2B3. At least one but probably several of these mutations, whether occurring in individuals with silent or symptomatic TMD, are presumed responsible for or to contribute to the development of DS-AMKL. Rare cases of transient myeloproliferative disease and DS-AMKL occur in individuals who do not have Down syndrome. These individuals usually have a history of TMD and invariably have megakaryoblasts which bear extra copies of key chromosome 21 genes, truncating mutations in GATA1, and somatic mutations in one or more of the genes listed in the previous section. These individuals have extra copies of only a portion of the genes on chromosome 21. This duplication of only some chromosome 21 genes results from: a) Robertsonian translocations, wherein part of chromosome 21 is duplicated on another chromosome; b) partial trisomy 21, wherein only part of chromosome 21 is duplicated); c) an isochromosome, wherein chromosome 21 contains two long but no short arms); or d) duplications, wherein extra chromosome 21 genes are on this or other chromosomes. AMKL occurring in these individuals is classified as DS-AMKL. DS-AMKL most often presents in children 1–2 years old but almost always less than 4 years old who have a history of TMD. Given this history, these children are usually followed-up medically with complete blood count tests. and therefore often present with elevated blood levels of abnormally appearing platelets and platelet precursor cells, particularly megakaryoblasts, and reduced blood levels of red blood cells. DS-AMKL usually progresses slowly with afflicted children gradually developing increasingly more severe changes in their blood counts as well as slowly developing symptoms of these developments such as fatigue and shortness of breath due to anemia. In cases of advanced disease, individuals with DS-AMKL may present with signs and symptoms that are more typical of acute myeloid leukemic diseases such as liver enlargement, spleen enlargement, leukemia cutis (i.e. skin nodules caused by leukemic infiltrates), or leukostasis (i.e. an emergency situation in which excessive elevations in circulating blast (i.e. early precursor) cells plug the microcirculation to cause life-threatening heart, lung, and neurological dysfunctions). The diagnosis of DS-AMKL in young children is indicated by: a history of TMD; findings of increased presence of blast cells (e.g. ≥20% of nucleated cells) that have the megakaryoblast phenotype in blood and/or bone marrow as defined by the morphology of these cells in blood or bone marrow smears; failure to obtain a bone marrow aspirate because of marrow fibrosis; and immunophenotyping analyses of platelet precursor cells lineage as determined by flow cytometry and immunohistochemistry. Malignant megakaryoblasts are usually medium-sized to large cells with a high nuclear-cytoplasmic ratio. Nuclear chromatin is dense and homogeneous. There is scanty, variable basophilic cytoplasm which may be excessively vacuolated. An irregular cytoplasmic border is often noted in some of the megakaryoblasts and occasionally projections resembling budding atypical platelets are present. Megakaryoblasts lack myeloperoxidase (MPO) activity and stain negatively with Sudan Black B. They are alpha naphthyl butyrate esterase negative and manifest variable alpha naphthyl acetate esterase activity usually in scattered clumps or granules in the cytoplasm. PAS diastase staining varies from negative to focal or granular positivity to strongly positive. Immunochemical analyses, often conducted by flow cytometry, of the surface antigens on leukemic blast cells are positive for CD41, CD42b, CD51, and Von Willebrand factor in AMKL but not leukemia involving non-platelet malignant cells. Where indicated and available, the diagnosis of DS-AMKL is further supported by; immunophenotyping analysis using monoclonal antibody directed against megakaryocyte restricted antigen (CD41 and CD61) and DNA sequencing to detect GATA1 mutations that are projected to cause the gene to make GATA1-S but not GATA1 transcription factors.

[ "Leukemia", "Myeloid leukemia", "Down syndrome", "Bone marrow", "Gene", "Acute Megakaryocytic Leukemias", "Childhood AMKL", "Childhood Acute Megakaryoblastic Leukemia", "GATA1 Mutation", "Pediatric Acute Megakaryoblastic Leukemia" ]
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