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Landscaping refers to any activity that modifies the visible features of an area of land, including: Landscaping refers to any activity that modifies the visible features of an area of land, including: Landscaping requires expertise in horticulture and artistic design. Construction requires study and observation. It is not the same in different parts of the world. Landscaping varies according to different regions. Therefore, normally local natural experts are recommended if it is done for the first time. Understanding of the site is one of the chief essentials for successful landscaping. Different natural features like terrain, topography, soil qualities, prevailing winds, depth of the frost line, and the system of native flora and fauna must be taken into account. Sometimes the land is not fit for landscaping. In order to landscape it, the land must be reshaped. This reshaping of land is called grading. Removal of earth from the land is called cutting while when earth is added to the slope, it is called filling. Sometimes the grading process may involve removal of excessive waste (landfills), soil and rocks, so designers should take into account while in the planning stage. In the start, the landscaping contractor makes a letter which is a rough design and layout of what could be done with the land in order to achieve the desired outcome. Different pencils are required to make graphics of the picture. Landscaping has become more technological than natural, as few projects begin without bulldozers, lawnmowers, or chainsaws. Different areas have different qualities of plants. When growing new grass, it should ideally be done in the spring and the fall seasons to maximize growth and to minimize the spread of weeds. It is generally agreed that fertilizers are required for good plant growth. Some landscapers prefer to use mix gravel with rocks of varying sizes to add interest in large areas. Landscaping and other related professions can present a wide variety of health and safety hazards. This includes cuts and bruises, heat and cold related injuries, chemical related injuries, and muscle injuries due to bending or heavy lifting.

[ "Ecology", "Botany", "Civil engineering", "Natural landscaping" ]
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