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Translative case

The translative case (abbreviated TRANSL) is a grammatical case that indicates a change in state of a noun, with the general sense of 'becoming X' or 'change to X'. The translative case (abbreviated TRANSL) is a grammatical case that indicates a change in state of a noun, with the general sense of 'becoming X' or 'change to X'. In Finnish, it is the counterpart of the essive case, with the basic meaning of a change of state. It is also used for expressing 'in (a language)', 'considering it is a (status)' and 'by (a time)'. Its ending is -ksi: Examples in Estonian, where the ending is -ks: In Estonian, translative can also express a temporary or random state. E.g. while a nominative construction would indicate working in a job or profession, as olen koolis õpetaja 'I'm a teacher in a school', a similar sentence using translative olen koolis õpetajaks 'I work as a teacher in a school' hints at it either being a temporary position, the speaker not being fully qualified, or some other factor of impermanency. In Hungarian, the ending is -vá / -vé after a vowel; it assimilates to the final consonant otherwise:

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