Cilansetron is a drug that is a 5HT-3 antagonist currently under trial phase in the EU and US it is manufactured by Solvay Pharmaceuticals INC. Cilansetron is a drug that is a 5HT-3 antagonist currently under trial phase in the EU and US it is manufactured by Solvay Pharmaceuticals INC. 5HT-3 receptors are responsible for causing many things from nausea to excess bowel movements. It is thought in conditions like irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) the receptors have become faulty or oversensitive. 5HT-3 antagonists work by blocking the nervous and chemical signals from reaching these receptors. Studies have shown that the drug can greatly improve quality of life in men and women with diarrhea predominant IBS (1) Cilansetron is the first 5HT antagonist specifically designed for IBS that is effective in men as well as women.(1) Solvay has had considerable difficulty with the medicines regulators in the UK, EU and USA with regards to licensing the drug. This could possibly be due to the problems discovered after licensing with the drug Lotronex. At time of writing; Solvay had recently withdrawn its application to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) but was continuing its talks with the MHRA in the UK and EU regulators. (2) It is not currently known what sort of timeframe the public are looking at to be able to obtain the drug. This matter is not helped by the lack of information about cilansetron and its trials in the public domain. The regulators have also stated this in their responses.