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Nautilus Octopoda, Argonautoidea, and Cirrina Vampyroteuthidae (vampire squid) Cranchiinae (glass squid A) CycloteuthidaePsychroteuthidae (glacial squid) Onychoteuthidae (hooked squid) Taoniinae (glass squid B)Architeuthidae (giant squid) Lepidoteuthidae (Grimaldi scaled squid) Octopoteuthidae (octopus squid) Ancistrocheiridae (sharpear enope squid) Lycoteuthidae (firefly squid) Pyroteuthidae (fire squid) Bathyteuthidae Ommastrephidae (flying squid) Pholidoteuthidae Gonatidae (armhook squid) Chiroteuthidae (whip-lash squid) Sepiolida (bobtail squid) Sepiadariidae (pyjama and bottletail squid) Chtenopterygidae Thysanoteuthidae Enoploteuthidae Brachioteuthidae NeoteuthidaeHistioteuthidae (cock-eyed squid) Batoteuthidae (bush-club squid)Mastigoteuthidae (whip-lash squid) Joubiniteuthidae (Joubin's squid) Magnapinnidae (bigfin squid) Spirulida (ram's horn squid) Myopsida (neritic squid) Loliginidae Sepiidae (cuttlefish) Idiosepiidae (pygmy squid)Fossil Rhomboteuthis from the Lower Callovian (c. 164 mya, middle Jurassic) of La Voulte-sur-Rhône, FranceFossil Plesioteuthis from the Tithonian (c. 150 mya, upper Jurassic), Solnhofen, GermanyControllable chromatophores of different colours in the skin of a squid allow it to change its coloration and patterns rapidly, whether for camouflage or signalling.Principle of counter-illumination camouflage of the firefly squid, Watasenia scintillans. When seen from below by a predator, the animal's light helps to match its brightness and colour to the sea surface above.

[ "Membrane potential", "Sodium", "Squid", "Axon", "Membrane", "Euprymna scolopes" ]
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