Calcium cyanamide is the inorganic compound with the formula CaCN2. It is the calcium salt of the cyanamide (CN2−2) anion. This chemical is used as fertilizer and is commercially known as nitrolime. It was first synthesized in 1898 by Adolph Frank and Nikodem Caro (Frank-Caro process). Calcium cyanamide is the inorganic compound with the formula CaCN2. It is the calcium salt of the cyanamide (CN2−2) anion. This chemical is used as fertilizer and is commercially known as nitrolime. It was first synthesized in 1898 by Adolph Frank and Nikodem Caro (Frank-Caro process). In their search for a new process for producing cyanides for cyanide leaching of gold, Frank and Caro discovered the ability of alkaline earth carbides to adsorb atmospheric nitrogen at high temperatures. Fritz Rothe, a colleague of Frank and Caro, succeeded in 1898 in overcoming problems with the use of calcium carbide and clarified that at around 1,100 °C not calcium cyanide but calcium cyanamide is formed in the reaction. In fact, the initial target product sodium cyanide can also be obtained from calcium cyanamide by melting it with sodium chloride in the presence of carbon: