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Miniopterus schreibersi

The common bent-wing bat, Schreibers's long-fingered bat, or Schreibers's bat refers to a species of bat, a taxonomic complex of subspecies and probably several species in the family Miniopteridae currently named as Miniopterus schreibersii. They appear to have dispersed from a subtropical origin and distributed throughout the southern Palearctic, Ethiopic, Oriental, and Australian regions. In Europe, it is present in the southern half on the continent from Iberia to the Caucasus, with the largest populations found in the warmer Mediterranean area. The common and scientific names honor Carl Franz Anton Ritter von Schreibers. There are 14 recognised subspecies of the common bent-winged bat. The two former subspecies that were included in M.scheibersii have now been given species status. They are Miniopterus fuliginosus (eastern bent-wing bat), and Miniopterus oceanensis (Australasian bent-wing bat).

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