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Perfect thermal contact

Perfect thermal contact of the surface of a solid with the environment (convective heat transfer) or another solid occurs when the temperatures of the mating surfaces are equal. Perfect thermal contact of the surface of a solid with the environment (convective heat transfer) or another solid occurs when the temperatures of the mating surfaces are equal. Perfect thermal contact supposes that on the boundary surface A {displaystyle A} there holds an equality of the temperatures and an equality of heat fluxes where T ,   T e {displaystyle T,~T_{e}} are temperatures of the solid and environment (or mating solid), respectively; k ,   k e {displaystyle k,~k_{e}} are thermal conductivity coefficients of the solid and mating laminar layer (or solid), respectively; n {displaystyle n} is normal to the surface A {displaystyle A} . If there is a heat source on the boundary surface A {displaystyle A} , e.g. caused by sliding friction, the latter equality transforms in the following manner where q {displaystyle q} is heat-generation rate per unit area.

[ "Thermal contact", "Heat flux" ]
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