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Tympan means skin, and is used in a variety of technical meanings. Tympan means skin, and is used in a variety of technical meanings. In an astrolabe, a tympan is a metal plate on which the coordinates of the celestial sphere (azimuth and altitude) are engraved in a stereographic projection. A tympan is specific to a particular latitude, so most astrolabes come with a set of interchangeable tympans suitable for use at different latitudes, usually those of particular cities of importance (Cairo, Mecca, Medina, Jerusalem...). In hand-operated letterpress printing, the bruzer tympan is the taut cloth or paper mounted in a frame which is placed over the sheet of paper immediately prior to lowering the platen to make the impression.

[ "Tympanum (architecture)", "middle ear disease", "Tympanic membrane structure", "Entire tympanic membrane", "Tympanum (architecture)" ]
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