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Superior sagittal sinus

The superior sagittal sinus (also known as the superior longitudinal sinus), within the human head, is an unpaired area along the attached margin of the falx cerebri. It allows blood to drain from the lateral aspects of anterior cerebral hemispheres to the confluence of sinuses. Cerebrospinal fluid drains through arachnoid granulations into the superior sagittal sinus and is returned to venous circulation.Brain with sagittal sinus at centre, with various lacunae.Left parietal bone. Inner surface.Frontal bone. Inner surface.Base of the skull. Upper surface.Diagrammatic representation of a section across the top of the skull, showing the membranes of the brain, etc.Diagrammatic section of scalp.Human brain dura materMeninges and superficial cerebral veins.Deep dissection.Superior view.Meninges and superficial cerebral veins.Deep dissection.Superior view. The superior sagittal sinus (also known as the superior longitudinal sinus), within the human head, is an unpaired area along the attached margin of the falx cerebri. It allows blood to drain from the lateral aspects of anterior cerebral hemispheres to the confluence of sinuses. Cerebrospinal fluid drains through arachnoid granulations into the superior sagittal sinus and is returned to venous circulation. Commencing at the foramen cecum, through which it receives emissary veins from the nasal cavity, it runs from anterior to posterior, grooving the inner surface of the frontal, the adjacent margins of the two parietal lobes, and the superior division of the cruciate eminence of the occipital lobe. Near the internal occipital protuberance, it drains into the confluence of sinuses and deviates to either side (usually the right). At this point it is continued as the corresponding transverse sinus. The superior sagittal sinus is usually divided into three parts: anterior (foramen cecum to bregma), middle (bregma to lambda), posterior (lambda to confluence).

[ "Thrombosis", "Left transverse sinus", "Great cerebral vein", "Inferior sagittal sinus", "Superficial cerebral vein", "Internal occipital protuberance" ]
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