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In taxonomy, Methanobacterium is a genus of the Methanobacteriaceae. Contrary to their name, they are not exactly a bacterial species as they belong to the archaea and have the distinguishing biopolymer, peptidoglycan, missing from their cell membranes. Methanobacterium are nonmotile and live without oxygen. Some members of this genus can use formate to reduce methane; others live exclusively through the reduction of carbon dioxide with hydrogen. They are ubiquitous in some hot, low-oxygen environments, such as anaerobic digestors, their wastewater, and hot springs.

[ "Archaea", "Methane", "Bacteria", "Microbial population biology", "Methanogenium", "Methanospirillum", "Methanobacterium ruminantium", "Methanofollis", "Formicium" ]
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