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Pseudorandom generator theorem

In computational complexity theory and cryptography, the existence of pseudorandom generators is related to the existence of one-way functions through a number of theorems, collectively referred to as the pseudorandom generator theorem. In computational complexity theory and cryptography, the existence of pseudorandom generators is related to the existence of one-way functions through a number of theorems, collectively referred to as the pseudorandom generator theorem. A distribution is considered pseudorandom if no efficient computation can distinguish it from the true uniform distribution by a non-negligible advantage. Formally, a family of distributions Dn is pseudorandom if for any polynomial size circuit C, and any ε inversely polynomial in n A function Gl: {0,1}l → {0,1}m, where l < m is a pseudorandom generator if: It can be shown that if there is a pseudorandom generator Gl: {0,1}l → {0,1}l+1, i.e. a generator that adds only one pseudorandom bit, then for any m = poly(l), there is a pseudorandom generator G'l: {0,1}l → {0,1}m. The idea of the proof is as follows: first s bits from uniform distribution Ul are picked and used as the seed to the first instance of Gl, which is known to be a pseudorandom generator. Next, the output of the first instance of Gl is divided into two parts: first l bits are fed into the second instance of Gl as a seed, while the last bit becomes the first bit of the output. Repeating this process for m times yields an output of m pseudorandom bits. It can be shown that such G'l, that consists of m instances of Gl, is indeed a pseudorandom generator by using a hybrid approach and proof by contradiction as follows: Consider m+1 intermediate distributions Hi: 0  ≤  i  ≤  m, where first i bits are chosen from the uniform distribution, and last m − i bits are chosen from the output of G'l. Thus, H0 is the full output of G'l and Hm is a true uniform distribution Um. Therefore, distributions Hi and Hi+1 will be different in only one bit (bit number i+1). Now, assume that G'l is not a pseudorandom distribution; that is, there exists some circuit C that can distinguish between G'l and Um with an advantage ε  =   1/poly(l). In other words, this circuit can distinguish between H0 and Hm. Therefore, there exists such i that the circuit C can distinguish between Hi and Hi+1 by at least ε / m. Note, that since m are polynomial in l, then ε / m is also polynomial in l and is still a non-negligible advantage. Now, assume we are given l+1 bits that are either output of Gl or a drawn from uniform distribution. Let's reuse the approach of building large pseudorandom generators out of instances of Gl and construct a string of pseudorandom bits of length m−i−1 in the same way the G'l was constructed above using the first l given bits as the seed. Then, let's create a string consisting of i bits drawn from uniform, concatenated with the last one of the given bits, followed by the created m−i−1 bits. The resulting output is either Hi or Hi+1, since the i+1 bit is either drawn from uniform or from Gl. Since by assumption we can distinguish between Hi and Hi+1 with non-negligible advantage, then we can distinguish between U and Gl, which implies that Gl is not a pseudorandom generator, which is a contradiction to the hypothesis. Q.E.D.

[ "Pseudorandomness", "Pseudorandom generator", "ISAAC", "Multiply-with-carry", "Cryptographically secure pseudorandom number generator", "Inversive congruential generator" ]
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