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Price–sales ratio

Price–sales ratio, P/S ratio, or PSR, is a valuation metric for stocks. It is calculated by dividing the company's market capitalization by the revenue in the most recent year; or, equivalently, divide the per-share stock price by the per-share revenue. Also, justified p/s is calculated as (profit margin × payout × (1 + g)/(r − g)). Price–sales ratio, P/S ratio, or PSR, is a valuation metric for stocks. It is calculated by dividing the company's market capitalization by the revenue in the most recent year; or, equivalently, divide the per-share stock price by the per-share revenue. Also, justified p/s is calculated as (profit margin × payout × (1 + g)/(r − g)).

[ "Price–earnings ratio", "P/B ratio", "Stock market bubble", "Cost price" ]
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