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Molecular neuroscience

Molecular neuroscience is a branch of neuroscience that observes concepts in molecular biology applied to the nervous systems of animals. The scope of this subject covers topics such as molecular neuroanatomy, mechanisms of molecular signaling in the nervous system, the effects of genetics and epigenetics on neuronal development, and the molecular basis for neuroplasticity and neurodegenerative diseases. As with molecular biology, molecular neuroscience is a relatively new field that is considerably dynamic. Molecular neuroscience is a branch of neuroscience that observes concepts in molecular biology applied to the nervous systems of animals. The scope of this subject covers topics such as molecular neuroanatomy, mechanisms of molecular signaling in the nervous system, the effects of genetics and epigenetics on neuronal development, and the molecular basis for neuroplasticity and neurodegenerative diseases. As with molecular biology, molecular neuroscience is a relatively new field that is considerably dynamic. In molecular biology, communication between neurons typically occurs by chemical transmission across gaps between the cells called synapses. The transmitted chemicals, known as neurotransmitters, regulate a significant fraction of vital body functions. It is possible to anatomically locate neurotransmitters by labeling techniques. It is possible to chemically identify certain neurotransmitters such as catecholamines by fixing neural tissue sections with formaldehyde. This can give rise to formaldehyde-induced fluorescence when exposed to ultraviolet light. Dopamine, a catecholamine, was identified in the nematode C. elegans by using this technique.Immunocytochemistry, which involves raising antibodies against targeted chemical or biological entities, includes a few other techniques of interest. A targeted neurotransmitter could be specifically tagged by primary and secondary antibodies with radioactive labeling in order to identify the neurotransmitter by autoradiography. The presence of neurotransmitters (though not necessarily the location) can be observed in enzyme-linked immunocytochemistry or enzyme--linked immunosorbent assays (ELISA) in which substrate-binding in the enzymatic assays can induce precipitates, fluorophores, or chemiluminescence. In the event that neurotransmitters cannot be histochemically identified, an alternative method is to locate them by their neural uptake mechanisms. Excitable cells in living organisms have voltage-gated ion channels. These can be observed throughout the nervous system in neurons. The first ion channels to be characterized were the sodium and potassium ion channels by A.L. Hodgkin and A.F. Huxley in the 1950s upon studying the giant axon of the squid genus Loligo. Their research demonstrated the selective permeability of cellular membranes, dependent on physiological conditions, and the electrical effects that result from these permeabilities to produce action potentials. Sodium channels were the first voltage-gated ion channels to be isolated in 1984 from the eel Electrophorus electricus by Shosaku Numa. The pufferfish toxin tetrodotoxin (TTX), a sodium channel blocker, was used to isolate the sodium channel protein by binding it using the column chromatography technique for chemical separation. The amino acid sequence of the protein was analyzed by Edman degradation and then used to construct a cDNA library which could be used to clone the channel protein. Cloning the channel itself allowed for applications such as identifying the same channels in other animals. Sodium channels are known for working in concert with potassium channels during the development of graded potentials and action potentials. Sodium channels allow an influx of Na+ ions into a neuron, resulting in a depolarization from the resting membrane potential of a neuron to lead to a graded potential or action potential, depending on the degree of depolarization. Potassium channels come in a variety of forms, are present in most eukaryotic cells, and typically tend to stabilize the cell membrane at the potassium equilibrium potential. As with sodium ions, graded potentials and action potentials are also dependent on potassium channels. While influx of Na+ ions into a neuron induce cellular depolarization, efflux of influx of K+ ions out of a neuron causes a cell to repolarize to resting membrane potential. The activation of potassium ion channels themselves are dependent on the depolarization resulting from Na+ influx during an action potential. As with sodium channels, the potassium channels have their own toxins that block channel protein action. An example of such a toxin is the large cation, tetraethylammonium (TEA), but it is notable that the toxin does not have the same mechanism of action on all potassium channels, given the variety of channel types across species. The presence of potassium channels was first identified in Drosophila melanogaster mutant flies that shook uncontrollably upon anesthesia due to problems in cellular repolarization that led to abnormal neuron and muscle electrophysiology. Potassium channels were first identified by manipulating molecular genetics (of the flies) instead of performing channel protein purification because there were no known high-affinity ligands for potassium channels (such as TEA) at the time of discovery. Calcium channels are important for certain cell-signaling cascades as well as neurotransmitter release at axon terminals. A variety of different types of calcium ion channels are found in excitable cells. As with sodium ion channels, calcium ion channels have been isolated and cloned by chromatographic purification techniques. It is notable, as with the case of neurotransmitter release, that calcium channels can interact with intracelluar proteins and plays a strong role in signaling, especially in locations such as the sarcoplasmic reticulum of muscle cells. Various types of receptors can be used for cell signaling and communication and can include ionotropic receptors and metabotropic receptors. These cell surface receptor types are differentiated by the mechanism and duration of action with ionotropic receptors being associated with fast signal transmission and metabotropic receptors being associated with slow signal transmission. Metabotropic receptors happen to cover a wide variety of cell-surface receptors with notably different signaling cascades. Ionotropic receptors, otherwise known as ligand-gated ion channels, are fast acting receptors that mediate neural and physiological function by ion channel flow with ligand-binding. Nicotinic, GABA, and Glutamate receptors are among some of the cell surface receptors regulated by ligand-gated ion channel flow. GABA is the brain's main inhibitory neurotransmitter and glutamate is the brain's main excitatory neurotransmitter. GABAA and GABAC receptors are known to be ionotropic, while the GABAB receptor is metabotropic. GABAA receptors mediate fast inhibitory responses in the central nervous system (CNS) and are found on neurons, glial cells, and adrenal medulla cells. It is responsible for inducing Cl− ion influx into cells, thereby reducing the probability that membrane depolarization will occur upon the arrival of a graded potential or an action potential. GABA receptors can also interact with non-endogenous ligands to influence activity. For example, the compound diazepam (marketed as Valium) is an allosteric agonist which increases the affinity of the receptor for GABA. The increased physiological inhibitory effects resulting from increased GABA binding make diazepam a useful tranquilizer or anticonvulsant (antiepileptic drugs). On the other hand, GABA receptors can also be targeted by decreasing Cl− cellular influx with the effect of convulsants like picrotoxin. The antagonistic mechanism of action for this compound is not directly on the GABA receptor, but there are other compounds that are capable of allosteric inactivation, including T-butylbicyclophorothionate (TBPS) and pentylenetetrazole (PZT). Compared with GABAA, GABAC receptors have a higher affinity for GABA, they are likely to be longer-lasting in activity, and their responses are likely to be generated by lower GABA concentrations.

[ "Receptor", "Neuroscience" ]
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