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Polyhedral symbol

The polyhedral symbol is sometimes used in coordination chemistry to indicate the approximate geometry of the coordinating atoms around the central atom. One or more italicised letters indicate the geometry, e.g. TP-3 which is followed by a number that gives the coordination number of the central atom. The polyhedral symbol can be used in naming of compounds, in which case it is followed by the configuration index. The polyhedral symbol is sometimes used in coordination chemistry to indicate the approximate geometry of the coordinating atoms around the central atom. One or more italicised letters indicate the geometry, e.g. TP-3 which is followed by a number that gives the coordination number of the central atom. The polyhedral symbol can be used in naming of compounds, in which case it is followed by the configuration index. The first step in determining the configuration index is to assign a priority number to each coordinating ligand according to the Cahn-Ingold-Prelog priority rules, (CIP rules). The preferred ligand takes the lowest priority number. For example, of the ligands acetonitrile, chloride ion and pyridine thepriority number assigned are chloride, 1; acetonitrile,2; pyridene,3. Each coordination type has a different procedure for specifying the configuration index and these are outlined in below.

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