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Old Left

The Old Left is the pre-1960s left-wing in the Western world, the earlier leftist or Marxist movements that had often taken a more vanguardist approach to social justice and focused mostly on labor unionization and questions of social class in the West. The New Left arose first among dissenting intellectuals and campus groups in the United Kingdom and later alongside campus in the United States and in the Western bloc. The German critical theorist Herbert Marcuse is referred to as the 'Father of the New Left'. Marcuse rejected the theory of class struggle and the Marxist concern with labor. According to Leszek Kołakowski, Marcuse argued that since 'all questions of material existence have been solved, moral commands and prohibitions are no longer relevant'. He regarded the realization of man's erotic nature as the true liberation of humanity, which inspired the utopias of Jerry Rubin and others. Between 1943 and 1950, Marcuse worked in U.S. Government service for the Office of Strategic Services (predecessor of the Central Intelligence Agency) and criticized the ideology of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union in the book Soviet Marxism: A Critical Analysis (1958). After his studies, in the 1960s and the 1970s he became known as the pre-eminent theorist of the New Left and the student movements of West Germany, France and the United States. Unlike the New Left, the Old Left puts less emphasis on social issues such as abortion, drugs, feminism, gay rights and gender roles. Since the mid-1970s with the advent of revisionist movements such as Eurocommunism (and earlier in the Anglosphere, the New Left), some parties on the far-left in the West they have begun to adopt homosexual rights from the New Left as part of their platform while parties in the East such as the Communist Party of Greece and the Communist Party of the Russian Federation have rejected this move and continue to focus exclusively on worker politics as the Old Left. The party voted against the Civil Partnerships Bill proposed by Syriza, responding: 'With the formation of a socialist-communist society, a new type of partnership will undoubtedly be formed—a relatively stable heterosexual relationship and reproduction'. The Communist Party of the Russian Federation supported a ban on the 'promotion of non-traditional sexual relations to minors', mostly named a ban on 'homosexual propaganda to minors' in Western media. The party is known to support bringing back the death penalty, like Communists of Russia. Militant was a Trotskyist entryist group in the British Labour Party, based around the Militant newspaper launched in 1964. According to Michael Crick, its politics were influenced by Karl Marx, Friedrich Engels, Vladimir Lenin and Leon Trotsky and 'virtually nobody else'. Militant has been cited as an example left-wing opposition to feminism and gay rights initiatives within the labour movement in the early 1980s, specifically within the context of reaction to the financial support given to gay rights groups by the Greater London Council under the leadership of Ken Livingstone. While Militant was present in Labour Party women's sections, claiming forty delegates attended the Labour Party women's conference in 1981, it opposed feminism which declared that men were the enemy, or the cause of women's oppression. Communist leaders and intellectuals took many different positions on LGBT rights issues as Marx and Engels said very little on the subject in their published works. Marx in particular commented rarely on sexuality in general. Writing for Political Affairs, Norman Markowitz writes: 'Here, to be frank, one finds from Marx a refusal to entertain the subject, and from Engels open hostility to the individuals involved'. This is because in private Engels criticized male homosexuality and related it to ancient Greek pederasty, saying that ' fell into the abominable practice of sodomy Engels also said that the pro-pederast movement 'cannot fail to triumph. Guerre aux cons, paix aus trous-de-cul will now be the slogan'. Engels also referred to Dr. Karl Boruttau as a Schwanzschwulen ('faggotty prick') in private. The Encyclopedia of Homosexuality volume two is unequivocal on Marx and Engels view of homosexuality, stating: 'There can be little doubt that, as far as they thought of the matter at all, Marx and Engels were personally homo-phobic, as shown by an acerbic 1869 exchange of letter on Jean-Baptiste von Schweitzer, a German socialist rival. Schweitzer had been arrested in a park on a morals charge and not only did Marx and Engels refuse to join a committee defending him, they resorted to the cheapest form of bathroom humor in their private comments about the affair'.

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