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NATO Architecture Framework

The aim of the NATO Architecture Framework Version 4 (NAFv4) is to provide a standard for developing and describing architectures for both military and business use. It provides a standardized way to develop architecture artefacts, by defining the following:Capability TaxonomyEnterprise VisionCapabilityStandard ProcessesEffects Performance ParametersPlanning AssumptionsCapability RoadmapService TaxonomyServiceService FunctionsService StatesService InteractionsService I/F ParametersService PolicyService Roadmap Node TypesLogical ScenarioNodeLogical ActivitiesLogical StatesLogical SequenceLogical Data ModelLogical ConstraintsLines of DevelopmentResource TypesResource StructureResourceResource FunctionsResource StatesResource SequencePhysical Data ModelResource ConstraintsConfiguration ManagementMeta-Data DefinitionsArchitecture ProductsArchitectureMethodology UsedArchitecture StatusArchitecture VersionsArchitecture Meta-DataStandardsArchitecture Roadmap The aim of the NATO Architecture Framework Version 4 (NAFv4) is to provide a standard for developing and describing architectures for both military and business use. It provides a standardized way to develop architecture artefacts, by defining the following: The NATO Architecture Framework v4 (NAFv4), issued by the Architecture Capability Team (ACaT) of the NATO Consultation, Command and Control Agency (C3B) in January 2018, provides guidance on describing both enterprise architectures and systems architectures.

[ "Enterprise architecture framework", "Applications architecture", "Reference architecture" ]
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